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Renewable Energy

As climate change, pollution, and energy price become noticeably big issues, more people switch to renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy that can not run out, and is constantly being replenished.

Geothermal Energy

Heat has been radiating out of earth's interior for billions of years. Geothermal Energy is energy that is created by this heat. In a geothermal power plant, steam is used to turn turbines. This creates electricity.

- 99% of Iceland's energy comes from geothermal energy.

Hydropower is the energy created by the movement of water. Turbines can be used to harness the energy. Dams are used to make the flow of water more powerful.

-91% of brazil's energy comes from hydropower.

Solar Power is created by the sun's energy. Solar panels create this energy into electricity or heat.

-51% of the sun's energy that arrives at earth is absorbed.

Biomass energy is energy used from plants. This energy is often received by burning the plants. This can be harmful because burning releases carbon dioxide. However, the biomass burned is often being reused.

As air heats, it rises. As air cools, it moves lower towards the ground. This movement creates wind. Wind's energy can be captured by windmills' and be created into electricity.

-Texas produces the must energy from wind in the United States.

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